Thursday, September 22, 2016

Some common tips to work on CPU issue in sql server.

In this article iam trying to note some key questions and tips which are related to SQL SERVER CPU issues . This is collected from various links which i have added and will be modified meantime when needed correction.

What is User Mode and Kernel Mode. 
How you will find under sql server what is happening that caused CPU resource high ?
How to find cpu spiked due to single/Multiple query or from SP ?
Other factors which can impact SQL Server query performance ?
What is User Mode and Kernel Mode.
We need to remember that CPU consumes time in two modes:
·         User mode
·         Kernel mode
This can be seen via Performance Monitor by monitoring the “% Privileged Time” and “% User Time” counters under the “Process” node. If “% Privileged Time” value is more than 30%, it’s generally caused by faulty system drivers or antivirus software. In such situations, make sure the BIOS and filter drivers are up-to-date, and then try disabling the antivirus software temporarily to see the change.
If “% User Time” is high then there is something consuming the user mode of SQL Server. There are several known patterns which can cause high CPU for processes running in SQL Server, including:
1.     Query executing causing high CPU
2.     System tasks are consuming CPU
3.   Excessive Compilation and Recompilation of queries

Most common causes for cpu usage high are
Query execution causing CPU spike (Most commonly caused by optimizer picking bad plan).
High compiles and recompiles. (schema, Stats change, Use of Temp table, Recompile hint).
System threads spiking CPU (Ghost cleanup, Lazy writer, Resource monitor).
Running many traces.
To find the session causing cpu .
·         SP_WHO2
·         Activity Monitor
·         Through some DMV’s
·         We can check any locking, blocking and deadlock info in the server.
select * from sys.sysprocesses where blocked >0
If the above query doesnot have any record then try to find query which might be taking most of the CPU time. Execute sp_who2 ‘Active’ This will give details of processes which are active. If any process which is active but in Suspended state then that SPID is the culprit query.
So we can correlate the data between KPID and SPID to find the exact process.  Before that let we understand some common terms.
  • SPID :  SPID is the SQL Server Process ID number and is assigned by SQL Server to each new connection. It starts with one and is globally unique. SPID 1 through 50 are reserved for system uses and are not used for any user connections.

  • KPID :  KPID is the kernel -process id Under SQL Server for Windows this is the thread ID number, also known as "ID Thread," and is assigned by Windows when the thread is created. The Thread ID number is a system-wide identifier that uniquely identifies the thread. KPID is visible by querying the KPID column of master..sysprocesses. It is only filled in for spid numbers four and higher. You can also get KPID/ID Thread from Windows Perfmon using the "Thread" object and the "ID Thread" counter.

Now we can find the exact session by using the KPID and SPID.
Once we identify the sql server is the cpu culprit in task manager  we need to find the exact session or process which is causing so we can check this via Performance Monitor tool.

Under performance Tool -Add the below counters.
% Processor Time
ID thread
Thread state
Thread wait reason
 select all the instances that begin with "sqlservr"

After adding Press Ctrl +R to view the report , in the below image we can see thread 30 is using 46.841 cpu . We can also see ID thread 872 which we need to use as KPID in sysprocesses to find the exact session.

In recent versions we can use dmv sys.dm_os_threads with column os_thread_id which is KPID column in sysprocesses .

having identified the id thread, run a query in ssms

Select spid,kpid,dbid,cpu,memusage from sys.sysprocesses where kpid=872
correlate the thread id(kpid) to spid

From the query above we can see SPID 71 is causing the issue. To find how many threads and open transactions this is running we can run this query.
SELECT spid, kpid, status, cpu, memusage, open_tran, dbid FROM sysprocesses WHERE spid=71

To get the exact query that is running, we can run DBCC INPUTBUFFER using the SPID. The below output shows us that a backup job is causing our CPU issues on our server.

SQL server maintains the historical data in ring buffers ,  we can query and find the history available on the system at any point in time. 

DECLARE @ms_ticks_now BIGINT

SELECT @ms_ticks_now = ms_ticks
FROM sys.dm_os_sys_info;

SELECT TOP 15 record_id
                ,dateadd(ms, - 1 * (@ms_ticks_now - [timestamp]), GetDate()) AS EventTime
                ,100 - SystemIdle - SQLProcessUtilization AS OtherProcessUtilization
                SELECT record.value('(./Record/@id)[1]', 'int') AS record_id
                                ,record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/SystemIdle)[1]', 'int') AS SystemIdle
                                ,record.value('(./Record/SchedulerMonitorEvent/SystemHealth/ProcessUtilization)[1]', 'int') AS SQLProcessUtilization
                FROM (
                                SELECT TIMESTAMP
                                                ,convert(XML, record) AS record
                                FROM sys.dm_os_ring_buffers
                                WHERE ring_buffer_type = N'RING_BUFFER_SCHEDULER_MONITOR'
                                                AND record LIKE '%<SystemHealth>%'
                                ) AS x
                ) AS y
ORDER BY record_id DESC

The above query provides  the cpu utilization from past 15 minutes for sql server.

After find the cpu utilization how you find the active sessions causing resource usage high. The query below can help in finding the currently executing queries in SQL Server:If a SQL Server process is consuming high CPU, then executing the above query can help in finding the various requests currently getting executed inside SQL Server.

                ,st.TEXT AS batch_text
                ,SUBSTRING(st.TEXT, statement_start_offset / 2 + 1, (
                                                                                WHEN r.statement_end_offset = - 1
                                                                                                THEN (LEN(CONVERT(NVARCHAR(max), st.TEXT)) * 2)
                                                                                ELSE r.statement_end_offset
                                                                ) - r.statement_start_offset
                                                ) / 2 + 1) AS statement_text
                ,qp.query_plan AS 'XML Plan'
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests r
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(r.sql_handle) AS st
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(r.plan_handle) AS qp
ORDER BY cpu_time DESC

The output shows the data sorted by CPU. Once the query is identified, we have several options to try in tuning the query consuming the CPU, including:
1.     Make sure that the statistics are up-to-date for the underlying tables used.
2.     Check if the optimizer is suggesting any missing indexes in XML plan. If yes, evaluate and then create them.
3.     Check if there are scan of big tables which can be avoided, and if data can be filtered based on access.
4.     Tune the query using Database Engine Tuning Advisor and evaluate the recommendations given.

Sometimes it’s good to look at all queries executed so far and get the top CPU consumers from the query plans available in plan cache. The CPU might be normal at this point, but we want to get historical data. This can be achieved using query stats dynamic management views. Below query gives us an overview of cached batches or procedures which have used most CPU historically:
select top 50
    sum(qs.total_worker_time) as total_cpu_time,
    sum(qs.execution_count) as total_execution_count,
    count(*) as  number_of_statements,
    sys.dm_exec_query_stats qs
group by qs.plan_handle
order by sum(qs.total_worker_time) desc
It’s important to remember that above query gets data from the cached plan. This means that, if the plan is evicted from cache for one of the top CPU consumers,  we may miss the same.

Query execution  takes long times and spikes CPU commonly because of in-correct cardinality estimates caused by outdated statistics, Lack of Index, Server configuration, Distributed queries, etc.

When the server is experiencing this problem run the query in below link to list all the queries which are executing in the server order by CPU time desc along with plan.
SELECT getdate() as "RunTime", st.text as batch,
SUBSTRING(st.text,statement_start_offset / 2+1 ,
( (CASE WHEN a.statement_end_offset = -1
THEN (LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max),st.text)) * 2)
ELSE a.statement_end_offset END)  - a.statement_start_offset) / 2+1)  as current_statement
,qp.query_plan, a.* FROM sys.dm_exec_requests a CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(a.sql_handle) as st CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(a.plan_handle) as qp
order by CPU_time desc
 It could be one query which is driving the majority CPU time or Multiple queries each driving the CPU. Look at the CPU time of the above query output.

If it is single query/Store procedure which is driving the majority of CPU.

1.        Update the stats of tables and indexes used by the query (If the stats are up to date Estimated rows and estimated execution will  be approximately
same in execution plan .If there is huge difference stats are out dated and requires update) .

2.       Identify if the query has used bad plan because of parameter sniffing (If the ParameterCompiledValue and ParameterRuntimeValue is different in XML plan). Refer THIS LINK to know more about Parameter Sniffing

3.        If updating the stats and fixing the parameter sniffing doesn’t resolve the issue it is more likely optimizer is not able to create efficient plan because of lack of indexes and correct statistics. Run the query which is driving the CPU in database tuning advisor and apply the recommendations. (You will find missing index detail in xml plan but DTA is more efficient). You can follow the steps in Tune queries using SQL Server Database tuning advisor .

4.       If the query which is spiking the CPU is linked server query try changing the security of linked server to ensure linked server user has ddl_admin or dba/sysadmin on the remote server. More details regarding the issue in THIS LINK.

5.       Ensure optimizer is not aborting early and creating bad plan. For details refer THIS LINK.

6.       Ensure the query which is spiking the CPU doesn’t have plan guides (xml plan will have PlanGuideDB attribute.  Also sys.plan_guides will have entries) and query hints(index= or (option XXX join) or inner (Join Hint) join).

7. Ensure that SET options are not changed.

If it is Multiple queries/Store procedure are driving the CPU together.

1.       Update the stats of all the tables and indexes in the database. Using the query in below link Rebuild index and update statistics for all the tables in database

2.       If updating stats doesn’t help and rebuilding the indexes doesn’t bring down the CPU we have to tune the queries 1 by 1.

3.       Ensure Large amount of RAM is not causing optimizer to choose inefficient plan

4.       Ensure that we do not run many traces at same time (commonly from monitoring tools). Use query in below link to list all the active traces.

If the top CPU consumer is one of the system processes, check the kind of process and see if there is any known issue about that process on Some of the common searches that show high CPU on SQL Server because of system processes are:
· (Resource Monitor may consume high CPU)
· (The Ghost Cleanup task uses 100% of the CPU on an idle system in SQL Server 2008 or in SQL Server 2005)
· (FIX: SQL Server process that uses the.NET Framework 2.0 does not make any progress during a garbage collection while CPU usage is high)
· (Degraded overall performance on Windows Server 2008 R2)
And, of course, third-party performance tuning solutions such as SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer can be of use in determining the root cause of performance issues such as high CPU usage.