CREATE proc [dbo].[USP_Send_DiskSpace] ( @To varchar(200) , @CRITICAL int = 10 -- if the freespace(%) is less than @alertvalue, it will send message ) as Begin DECLARE @HOSTNAME VARCHAR(20), @HEAD VARCHAR(100), @BGCOLOR VARCHAR(50), @REC VARCHAR(50), @PRIORITY VARCHAR(10), @FREE VARCHAR(20), @TOTAL VARCHAR(20), @FREE_PER VARCHAR(20), @CHART VARCHAR(2000), @HTML VARCHAR(MAX), @HTMLTEMP VARCHAR(MAX), @TITLE VARCHAR(100), @DRIVE VARCHAR(100), @SQL VARCHAR(MAX) CREATE TABLE #MOUNTVOL (COL1 VARCHAR(500)) INSERT INTO #MOUNTVOL EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'MOUNTVOL' DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 NOT LIKE '%:%' DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 LIKE '%VOLUME%' DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 IS NULL DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 NOT LIKE '%:%' DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 LIKE '%MOUNTVOL%' DELETE #MOUNTVOL WHERE COL1 LIKE '%RECYCLE%' SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(COL1)) FROM #MOUNTVOL CREATE TABLE #DRIVES ( DRIVE VARCHAR(500), INFO VARCHAR(80) ) DECLARE CUR CURSOR FOR SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(COL1)) FROM #MOUNTVOL OPEN CUR FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DRIVE WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS=0 BEGIN SET @SQL = 'EXEC XP_CMDSHELL ''FSUTIL VOLUME DISKFREE ' + @DRIVE +'''' INSERT #DRIVES ( INFO ) EXEC (@SQL) UPDATE #DRIVES SET DRIVE = @DRIVE WHERE DRIVE IS NULL FETCH NEXT FROM CUR INTO @DRIVE END CLOSE CUR DEALLOCATE CUR -- SHOW THE EXPECTED OUTPUT SELECT DRIVE, SUM(CASE WHEN INFO LIKE 'TOTAL # OF BYTES : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(INFO, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS TOTALSIZE, SUM(CASE WHEN INFO LIKE 'TOTAL # OF FREE BYTES : %' THEN CAST(REPLACE(SUBSTRING(INFO, 32, 48), CHAR(13), '') AS BIGINT) ELSE CAST(0 AS BIGINT) END) AS FREESPACE INTO #DISKSPACE FROM ( SELECT DRIVE, INFO FROM #DRIVES WHERE INFO LIKE 'TOTAL # OF %' ) AS D GROUP BY DRIVE ORDER BY DRIVE SET @TITLE = 'DISK SPACE REPROT : '+ @@SERVERNAME SET @HTML = '<HTML><TITLE>'+@TITLE+'</TITLE> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2> <TR BGCOLOR=#0070C0 ALIGN=CENTER STYLE=''FONT-SIZE:8.0PT;FONT-FAMILY:"TAHOMA","SANS-SERIF";COLOR:WHITE''> <TD WIDTH=40><B>DRIVE</B></TD> <TD WIDTH=250><B>TOTAL</B></TD> <TD WIDTH=150><B>FREE SPACE</B></TD> <TD WIDTH=150><B>FREE PRECENTAGE</B></TD> </TR>' DECLARE RECORDS CURSOR FOR SELECT CAST(DRIVE AS VARCHAR(100)) AS 'DRIVE', CAST(FREESPACE/1024/1024 AS VARCHAR(10)) AS 'FREE',CAST(TOTALSIZE/1024/1024 AS VARCHAR(10)) AS 'TOTAL', CONVERT(VARCHAR(2000),'<TABLE BORDER=0 ><TR><TD BORDER=0 BGCOLOR='+ CASE WHEN ((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0 < @CRITICAL THEN 'RED' WHEN ((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0 > 70 THEN '66CC00' ELSE '0033FF' END +'><IMG SRC=''/GIFS/S.GIF'' WIDTH='+CAST(CAST(((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0*2 AS INT) AS CHAR(10) )+' HEIGHT=5></TD> <TD><FONT SIZE=1>'+CAST(CAST(((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0 AS INT) AS CHAR(10) )+'%</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>') AS 'CHART' FROM #DISKSPACE ORDER BY ((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0 OPEN RECORDS FETCH NEXT FROM RECORDS INTO @DRIVE , @FREE, @TOTAL, @CHART WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @HTMLTEMP = '<TR BORDER=0 BGCOLOR="#E8E8E8" STYLE=''FONT-SIZE:8.0PT;FONT-FAMILY:"TAHOMA","SANS-SERIF";COLOR:#0F243E''> <TD ALIGN = CENTER>'+@DRIVE+'</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>'+@TOTAL+'</TD> <TD ALIGN=CENTER>'+@FREE+'</TD> <TD VALIGN=MIDDLE>'+@CHART+'</TD> </TR>' SET @HTML = @HTML + @HTMLTEMP FETCH NEXT FROM RECORDS INTO @DRIVE , @FREE, @TOTAL, @CHART END CLOSE RECORDS DEALLOCATE RECORDS SET @HTML = @HTML + '</TABLE><BR> <P CLASS=MSONORMAL><SPAN STYLE=''FONT-SIZE:10.0PT;''COLOR:#1F497D''><B>THANKS,</B></SPAN></P> <P CLASS=MSONORMAL><SPAN STYLE=''FONT-SIZE:10.0PT;''COLOR:#1F497D''><B>DBA TEAM</B></SPAN></P> </HTML>' --PRINT PRINT @HTML --save data if(object_id('DBA.dbo.diskdrive_stats') is null) Begin create table DBA.dbo.diskdrive_stats ( Drive varchar(100) , FreeSpace float null, TotalSize float null, Free_per float, date_time datetime) insert into DBA.dbo.diskdrive_stats (Drive,Freespace,TotalSize,Free_Per,date_time) select Drive,convert(float,freespace),convert(float,totalsize), convert(float,((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0),getdate() from #DISKSPACE --insert into DBA.dbo.diskdrive_stats (Drive,Freespace,TotalSize,Free_Per,date_time) --select *,((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0,getdate() from #DISKSPACE End Else Begin insert into DBA.dbo.diskdrive_stats (Drive,Freespace,TotalSize,Free_Per,date_time) select Drive,convert(float,freespace),convert(float,totalsize), convert(float,((FREESPACE/1024/1024)/((TOTALSIZE/1024/1024)*1.0))*100.0),getdate() from #DISKSPACE End --############################Send Mail############################# set @head = '<RED> Disk Space report from SQL Server : '+@@servername --SELECT * FROM #DISKSPACE IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #DISKSPACE WHERE CAST((FREESPACE/(TOTALSIZE*1.0))*100.0 AS INT) <= @CRITICAL) BEGIN SET @PRIORITY = 'HIGH' print @head exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'SQLProfile', @recipients = @To, @subject = @head, @importance = @Priority, @body = @HTML, @body_format = 'HTML' END ELSE BEGIN print'' END DROP TABLE #MOUNTVOL DROP TABLE #DRIVES DROP TABLE #DISKSPACE END
Friday, December 9, 2016
Script to display drive details in sql server
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
How is SQL Server using all that memory, anyway
Ref :
I want to stick with the subject of memory because I think it’s probably the most misunderstood (and sometimes downright mysterious) component of SQL Server. I know I, for one, could benefit from a better understanding of its inner workings. So today I’d like to share that little bit of code I mentioned last week, that I find very handy for getting an overall picture of how memory is being used by a SQL instance. Personally I run it as a complete script, but I’ll break it down here and provide a little description of each section. I should say, too, that I didn’t write any of this from scratch. For most of it I started with code found here, here, and here, and modified it to suit.
So, without further ado, let’s get started. The first section provides an big-picture look at how SQL is currently allocating memory between the database page cache, procedure cache, and miscellaneous memory usage. It also provides the total memory usage, and I added in the maximum available workspace memory.
The output:

The next section uses sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters to examine how the procedure cache is being broken down.
The output:

The third part of the script goes deeper into the procedure cache and displays the top 25 cached plans by size. Because it displays some application code, I’m not going to include the results here.
And, finally, the last section shows us how much of the buffer pool is being utilized by each database, including the dirty and clean page counts, sorted by total memory.
And the output:

I want to stick with the subject of memory because I think it’s probably the most misunderstood (and sometimes downright mysterious) component of SQL Server. I know I, for one, could benefit from a better understanding of its inner workings. So today I’d like to share that little bit of code I mentioned last week, that I find very handy for getting an overall picture of how memory is being used by a SQL instance. Personally I run it as a complete script, but I’ll break it down here and provide a little description of each section. I should say, too, that I didn’t write any of this from scratch. For most of it I started with code found here, here, and here, and modified it to suit.
So, without further ado, let’s get started. The first section provides an big-picture look at how SQL is currently allocating memory between the database page cache, procedure cache, and miscellaneous memory usage. It also provides the total memory usage, and I added in the maximum available workspace memory.
--HOW MUCH MEMORY IS MY SQL SERVER USING? declare @plan_cache_size float , @obj_data_size float , @avail_workspace_size float -- plan cache size select @plan_cache_size = (cntr_value*8)/1024.0 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE object_name like '%Plan Cache%' and counter_name = 'Cache Pages' and instance_name = '_Total' -- DATABASE PAGE CACHE (PAGES, INCLUDING INDEXES) select @obj_data_size = (cntr_value*8)/1024.0 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE object_name like '%Buffer Manager%' and counter_name like 'Database pages%' -- Maximum workspace available for sorts, hashes, etc select @avail_workspace_size = (cntr_value)/1024.0 FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE object_name like '%Memory Manager%' and counter_name = 'Maximum Workspace Memory (KB)' -- CACHE TOTALS select @obj_data_size [Database_Page_Cache_MB] , @plan_cache_size [Procedure_Cache_MB] , [Misc_Memory_Usage_MB] , [Misc_Memory_Usage_MB] + @obj_data_size + @plan_cache_size [Total_Memory_Usage_MB] , @avail_workspace_size [Maximum_Workspace_MB] from ( select sum (cntr_value)/1024.0 [Misc_Memory_Usage_MB] from sys.dm_os_performance_counters where object_name like '%memory%' and ( counter_name like '%Connection Memory (KB)%' or counter_name like '%Granted Workspace Memory (KB)%' or counter_name like '%Lock Memory (KB)%' or counter_name like '%Optimizer Memory (KB)%' or counter_name like '%SQL Cache Memory (KB)%' ) ) x GO |

The next section uses sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters to examine how the procedure cache is being broken down.
-- How the Procedure cache is being used SELECT TOP 6 LEFT ([ name ], 20) as [ name ], LEFT ([type], 20) as [type], ([single_pages_kb] + [multi_pages_kb])/1024 AS cache_mb, [entries_count] FROM sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters order by single_pages_kb + multi_pages_kb DESC |

The third part of the script goes deeper into the procedure cache and displays the top 25 cached plans by size. Because it displays some application code, I’m not going to include the results here.
-- Top cached plans by size select top 25 cacheobjType , ObjType , (pagesUsed * 8192)/1024.0/1024.0 [space_used_MB] , db_name(dbid) [database_name] , object_name(objid, dbid) [object_name] , 1 from master..syscacheobjects (nolock) order by pagesUsed desc GO |
-- Buffer Pool Memory Per DB SELECT ( CASE WHEN ([database_id] = 32767) THEN 'Resource Database' ELSE DB_NAME (database_id) END ) AS 'Database Name' , SUM ( CASE WHEN ([is_modified] = 1) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ) AS DirtyPageCount, SUM ( CASE WHEN ([is_modified] = 1) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ) AS CleanPageCount, count (*) AS TotalPageCount, cast ( count (*) * 8192.0 / (1024.0 * 1024.0) as decimal (8,2)) as BufferPoolMB FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors GROUP BY database_id ORDER BY TotalPageCount desc GO |

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